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Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, most of the Caribbean was populated by three groups of inhabitants: the CIBONEY (or Guanahuatebey), the ARAWAKS (or Tainos), and the CARIBS. The cultural distinctions among the three groups are not great; the single greatest differentiating factor appears to be their respective dates of arrival in the region. The most numerous groups were the Arawaks, who resided in most of the Greater Antilles — Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (the island containing Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico.
The Lesser Antilles was the home of the Caribs. The Caribs and the Arawaks were progressively wiped out by the aftereffects of the conquest, the peaceful Arawaks suffering the greater catastrophe. Both the Caribs and the Arawaks left indelible influences on the language, diet, and way of life of the twentieth-century people who live in the region. Tropical Caribbean food crops, such as peanuts, cashew nuts, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, pumpkins, manioc, and maize, have since spread around the world.
The Ciboney were pre-Columbian indigenous inhabitants of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. The name Ciboney derives from the Taíno language, in which it means “cave dwellers”; evidence has shown that a number of the Ciboney people have lived in caves at some time. The Ciboney were from pre-farming cultures that entered the Antilles from South America, not as one ethnic group, but as waves of different migrants over a very long period of time. Study of genetic specimens seems to support Central American origin, as well.
1492. When the Europeans arrived, the Ciboney had already been driven by their powerful Taíno neighbors to western Hispaniola (Haiti) and western Cuba. The Ciboney of Cuba and Hispaniola were culturally different from each other; those of Cuba went by the name Guanajatabey. Within a century after European contact, the Ciboney were extinct.
The Ciboney languages are the languages of Cuba, Hispaniola, and the other islands of the Antilles which preceded the Arawakan and Cariban languages Taíno and Galibi.
The name Ciboney is Taíno, in which it referred to the Arawakan population of Cuba. However, in English it has come to be applied to the pre-Arawakan population of all the islands of the Caribbean.
The Arawak people are one of the tribes of indigenous peoples of the Caribbean. The group belongs to the Arawakan-language family. They migrated from South America through the Greater Antilles of the Caribbean to the Bahamas in the Atlantic. They developed different cultures on the islands, and several groups have been given distinct names.
The Taino people include the Taíno, who occupied the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas (where they were known as Lucayan); the Nepoya and Suppoya of Trinidad; the Lokono of Guyana; the Igneri, who preceded the Carib in the Lesser Antilles; together with related groups (including the Lucayan) who lived along the northeastern coast of South America, as far south as what is now Brazil.
1492. The Lucayan (Arawak) were the natives whom Christopher Columbus encountered in 1492 when he first arrived in the Americas. The Spanish described them as a peaceful, primitive people.
Columbus’ log:
Saturday, 13 October 1492: … They brought us sticks of the cotton thread and parrots and other little things which it would be tedious to list, and exchanged everything for whatever we offered them. I kept my eyes open and tried to find out if there was any gold, and I saw that some of them had a little piece hanging from a hole in their nose. I gathered from their signs that if one goes south, or around the south side of the island, there is a king with great jars full of it, enormous amounts. I tried to persuade them to go there, But I saw that the idea was not to their liking…
Sunday, 14 October 1492: … These people have little knowledge of fighting, as Your Majesties will see from the seven I have had captured to take away with us so as to teach them our language and return them, unless Your Majesties’ orders are that they all be taken to Spain or held captive on the island itself, for with fifty men one could keep the whole population in subjection and make them do whatever one wanted.
The German missionary Heinrich Beutel wrote about the Lucayan villagers he encountered:
Used to the heat of the rain forest, Arawak families lived without clothes. Arawak men had never done gardening or work around home. They only hunted fish, and let the women do the rest. Even women expecting babies, or with little ones in their care, worked in cassava patches while men sat in hammocks under the shade. When asked if they wanted to get married did not seem in a hurry.
The Indians kept themselves cleaner than the Europeans. Believing that sweat weakens the body, they bathed frequently throughout the day. In their houses—thatched shelters without walls—they sat on clean sand, and they treated one another very politely. Young people called their parents and others of that age “honoured ones.” Older people called all young men “handsome ones” and it took them a while to learn the European titles for women, girls and children, and how to use them. Even though the Arawaks did not have an exact word for humility, they well knew the attitude. One should not look another person in the face while speaking “like a dog,” they believed. Rather, one should rise so that others might sit and count it a privilege to give. Arawak hospitality always involved eating and drinking together and even drank of fermented cassava, held frequent love feasts, and fought at their festivals.
The villagers showed an interest in learning and, after two learned to read, they began to hold classes for the rest. They helped the missionaries translate scriptures and songs into their language. The Arawak and Europeans did not share a common understanding of right and wrong. They lived according to rigid ethics of their own, something the Europeans realised they could learn from the Arawaks. Soon Pilgrims’ Watch, with its hour-a-day meetings (and monthly all-day meetings) attracted up to one hundred and fifty villagers. During the cassava harvest, or at great fish poisonings along the river, they sang German and Arawak songs. Rarely, during these evening meetings, the believers noticed new faces among the crowd—not Arawak, but painted Caribs and Waraus, clutching tall spears. By 1748 the first Arawak European-style wedding was celebrated at Pilgrims’ Watch
Charles Daniel Dance noted in his Chapters From a Guianese Log-book:
The children all spoke a Dutch [German] patois besides the Arawak Indian tongue; and with a Dutch teacher to instruct them, it is not difficult to conceive the manner in which they read their English lessons.
On the islands of the Caribbean, the Taíno grew crops in conucos, large mounds of earth used as planting beds for vegetable farming. They packed the conuco with leaves to provide nutrition and prevent soil erosion. They planted a large variety of crops to ensure that some would grow and ripen regardless of the season. Yuca (cassava) was a staple food. The Taino also grew maize, which was unusual for Caribbean islanders. Taino women did all the agricultural and craft work.
They used large, stable, slow rafts for trade to the Central American civilizations and inter-island travel. Smaller, faster but less stable canoes were used for intra-island shore travel. The men generally used their time as warriors, fishermen, hunters and in trading.
The Taíno crafted items and clothing to support their lives. The women made the pottery and baskets, used for many purposes, and wove and sewed cotton for clothing.
Men’s competitive games were part of their ritual worship and ceremony. Areyto included religious ceremonies, and another game was similar to football (soccer). Both were played in the batéy (an arena-like field flanked by huge standing stones depicting images of the Taino religion). Men generally worked the stone tools and made stone sculpture.
Men and women painted their bodies and wore jewellery made of gold, stone, bone, and shell. They also participated in informal feasts and dances. The Taíno drank alcohol made from fermented corn, and used tobacco in religious ceremonies.
The Taino developed the hammock (the name derives from the Taíno term hamaca), which the Spanish first saw used on the island they later named Hispaniola. The Spanish adopted hammocks to use on ships as a convenient means to increase the crew capacity and improve sanitary conditions of the sleeping quarters. Previously straw had been used for bedding, but it quickly became rotten and infested by parasites in the damp, cramped crew quarters. Cotton cloth hammocks could be washed easily if they became soiled, and were strong and durable.
Robert Gordon Latham wrote:”The Pe-i-man is the Arawak Shaman. He it is who names the children – for a consideration. Failing this, the progeny goes nameless; and to go nameless is to be obnoxious to all sorts of misfortunes. Imposture is hereditary; and as soon as the son of a conjuror enters his twentieth year, his right ear is pierced, he is required to wear a ring, and he is trusted with the secrets of the craft.”
The Arawak of the Amazon Basin were known for making terra preta, a soil produced by slow-burning fires. The fires were used to clear the dense foliage, and the ashes enriched the soil with phosphorus and potassium. This innovation helped the Arawak develop more densely populated settlements, from the Acutuba tribes (about 100-200 people per settlement) to the Manacapuru, to finally the Paradao. The latter were estimated to have towns numbering thousands of people. The soil produced by these tribes is still used today to support the growing number of people settling in the Basin. It can be a model of a sustainable way of farming rather than shifting away from exhausted fields to clear new ones.
POPULATION DECLINE. The Native Americans were decimated by epidemics of infectious Eurasian diseases brought from Europe, such as smallpox, to which they had no immunity. In addition, Spain’s harsh policies of enslavement, resettlement, and the separation of families – the encomienda system – contributed to the dramatic decline of Taino society within a few decades after contact. Survivors intermarried with new peoples in the islands, and some of their DNA survives among descendants in the region.
Only the Carib remain among the original Antillean populations of Ciboney, Taino, and Carib. Communities of Taino-descendents continue to exist in Eastern Cuba. Taíno/Arawakan language is not spoken but there is a strong “indio” identity to the present day.
Recent DNA studies indicate that the majority of people in Puerto Rico have direct-line maternal ancestry to Taíno/Arawakan ancestors. This study, under the Taino genome project, started in 1999 through a grant from the United States National Science Foundation. After testing mitochondrial DNA of residents throughout the island, researchers found that 62 percent of Puerto Ricans have direct-line maternal Amerindian ancestry. (Over the many generations since European encounter, other maternal ancestors have contributed to non-direct lines.)
The Orinoco Arawak tribes, whose ancestors were common to those groups that migrated to the islands, live throughout northern mainland South America. Several hundred thousand reside in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, St. Vincent, and French Guiana. Approximately 300,000 Wayuu Arawak live in Colombia, with 150,000 Wayuu in the neighbouring area of Venezuela. Approximately 1,600 Lokono/Arawak live at St. Cuthbert’s Mission (Arawak: Pakuri) in Guyana.
Carib, Island Carib, or Kalinago people, after whom the Caribbean was named, are a group of people who live in Venezuela and the Lesser Antilles islands. They are an indigenous peoples of the Americas whose origin lies in the northern coast of South America.
The people spoke Cariban, but the Caribs’ regular raids on other groups resulted in so many female Arawak captives that it was not uncommon for the women to speak Arawakan. In the southern Caribbean, they co-existed with a related Cariban-speaking group, the Galibi. They lived in separate villages in Venezuela, Grenada, Tobago, Saint Lucia, Dominica and St.Vincent.
The Caribs migrated from the Orinoco River area in South America to settle in the Caribbean islands about 1200 AD. Over the two centuries leading up to Columbus’ arrival in the Caribbean archipelago in 1492, the Caribs mostly displaced the Arawakan-speaking Taínos by warfare, extermination, and assimilation. The Taíno had settled the island chains earlier in history, migrating from the mainland.
The Caribs were displaced by the Europeans with a great loss of life; most fatalities resulted from Eurasian infectious diseases such as smallpox to which they had no natural immunity, as well as warfare. Others were assimilated during the colonial period; a few retained areas such as in Dominica. Small populations survive, specifically in the Carib Territory in northeast Dominica.
The ‘Black Caribs’ (later known as Garifuna) of St. Vincent (St. Vincent has some “Yellow caribs” as well) were descended from a group of enslaved Africans who were marooned from shipwrecks of slave ships, as well as slaves who escaped here. They intermarried with the Carib and formed the last native culture to resist the British. It was not until 1795 that British colonists transported the Black Carib to Roatan Island, off Honduras. Their descendants continue to live there today and are known as the Garifuna ethnic group. Carib resistance delayed the settlement of Dominica by Europeans. The Black Carib communities that remained in St. Vincent and Dominica retained a degree of autonomy well into the 19th century.
The last known speakers of Island Carib died in the 1920s, and the language is extinct.
Because of Dominica’s rugged area, Caribs were able to hide from European forces. The island’s east coast includes a 3,700-acre territory known as the Carib Territory that was granted to the people by the British Crown in 1903. There are only 3000 Caribs remaining. They elect their own chief. In July 2003, Caribs observed 100 Years of Territory. In July 2004, Charles Williams was elected as Carib Chief, who was succeeded by Chief Garnette Joseph. It is said that they are the only remaining full-blood native Carib people, although some have intermarried with the non-Carib Dominican population.
Several hundred ethnic Carib descendants live in Puerto Rico, U. S. Virgin Islands, St. Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Trinidad, Aruba as well as in St. Vincent -where lives “Black Caribs”, descendants of the mixture of African slaves and Caribs succeeded in the 18th century-, the size of which is not known. Some ethnic Carib communities remain on the South American mainland, in countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Belize. The size of these communities varies widely.
The Kalingo religion practised by the Carib had elements similar to the ancestor worship of the Taíno. They believed in an evil spirit called Maybouya, who had to be placated for an individual to avoid harm. The chief function of their shamans, called buyeis, was to heal the sick with herbs and to cast spells (piai) which would keep Maybouya at bay. The buyeis were very important and underwent special training instead of becoming warriors. As they were held to be the only people who could avert evil, they were treated with great respect. Their ceremonies were accompanied with sacrifices. As with the Arawaks and other Native Americans, the Carib smoked tobacco in the rituals of their religion.
Early Carib culture was patriarchal. Women carried out the important domestic duties of rearing young children, processing and producing food and clothing, and cultivating the land for farming, including sowing and harvesting. In the 17th century, Europeans reported that the women, with their children, lived in separate houses from men, a custom recorded among other South American tribes.
The women were highly revered and held substantial socio-political power.[6] Island Carib society was reputedly more socially egalitarian than Taíno society. Although there were village chiefs and war leaders, there were no large states or multi-tiered aristocracy. The local self-government unit may have been the longhouse dwellings populated by men or women, typically run by one or more chieftains reporting to an island council.
The Kalinago Genocide of 1626 occurred in the West Indian island of St. Kitts at Bloody Point. The Caribs realized that many more Europeans would come and settle in St.Kitts. The Caribs decided that the European settlers had to be destroyed. Large numbers of Caribs from Dominica and other neighbouring islands were invited to St. Kitts to help get rid of the settlers. However, the plan was told to one of the English settlers by a woman named Barbe. The English and French joined forces and launched a surprise night-time attack on the St. Kitts Caribs. According to Du Tertre (1667 I:6), between 100 and 120 Caribs were killed in their beds that night, with only the most beautiful Carib women spared death to serve as slaves. Having thus rid themselves of the local Caribs, the French and English subsequently divided the island between them and set about fortifying the island against the expected invasion of Caribs from other islands. In the ensuing battle, three to four thousand Caribs allegedly took up arms against the Europeans. Du Tertre gives no precise information on the number of Caribs killed, but mentions that the fallen Amerindians on the beach were piled high into a mound. The English and French suffered at least 100 casualties (Du Tertre 1667 I:6). It is said that the blood of the Caribs ran down Bloody River for three days. This is why the area was named Bloody Point.
The entire tale of the Kalinago Genocide however, was told exclusively from the perspective and writings of the Europeans and modern scientists estimate that many of their claims were fraudulent or exaggerated in order to justify the killings. The time of year of the Kalinago Genocide for example (late January) was near the middle of the dry season, referred to by the Kalinago as the season of Bat – due the abundance of bats at that time of year. Usually, raids on Taino and other Amerindians would take place at this time for sacrifices, etc., to appease Bat man to ensure that the dry season ends and that the wet season (season of Frog woman) begins. This would explain why so many Kalinago from various islands were present on St. Christopher at the time, as its Northern location on the borderline between Kalinago controlled and Taino controlled islands made it a base for such raids. Other evidence of wanton atrocity included the fact that the place of the massacre was deliberately the Kalinago place of worship, which would serve solely as a tool of fear for Kalinago from neighbouring islands.
Today, a white cross commemorates the slaughter of the Caribs.
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