I Am Grenada

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I Am Grenada

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Hailing from Laura land in the parish of St. David’s, we are very proud and honored to present Grenada Top Fashion Model, (drum roll please…) Usha A Thomas!!!!

Usha is a beautiful 26 years old. She’s a tall (5’11) Fashion model who has been modeling for the past four years. She has a huge passion for fashion and modeling. She mainly shoots fashion and swimwear but also enjoys creative projects like dress up. Her current photographer is Samuel John and she loves being in front of the camera. Usha is available for photo-shoots in Grenada and would welcome any opportunity to travel to other destinations. She enjoys working with photographers and agencies that have a creative approach. She brings energy and passion for fashion and modeling to every project she works on.

On a recent interview, Usha explained that, since she was a young girl, she had a burning desire for fashion and modeling. That desire grew as she got older. This had led her to participate in many competitions where she was very successful. Competition such as, Grenada’s Next Top Model, which she won and Caribbean’s Next Top Model, where she was placed 6th out of 15. Usha also participates in various fashion shows as well. She went on to participate in Face of Grenada 2020 which she also won.

When it was announced that she won, she became very emotional. Usha was shedding tears of joy and relief. She had a sense of comfort and overwhelming joy because at that moment, she felt accomplished. Her hard work and dedication had finally paid off and she was now satisfied because of her accomplishment. Usha is competitive and focused. She understood that winning will give her lots of opportunities along with responsibilities.

When asked how she felt about winning? Usha stated the she believed that she would have won FOG since after she was selected to participate into the competition. Her reason being that she’s 100% persistent and competitive in a positive way. She’s very humble and always welcome positive criticism. Not forgetting she has a high fashion sense with a great runway walk. She couldn’t wait to showcase herself, the clothing and to deliver her speech at the finals. Her environmental issue was one of great importance and needed attention.

The motivational factors which drove her to participate in FOG (Face of Grenada), surfaced after she researched F.O.G Organization, and learned that it comprised of various competitive photo-shoots and then judged by a regional magazine. These photo-shoots then led up to the Final Night, which is a fashion and runway competition, with a platform speech, in which she was excited to deliver. The other factors were her passion and drive for modeling and being able to showcase herself while selling various designs.

Her experience in F.O.G was amazing and challenging. The most challenging part was seeking out sponsorship. She had numerous rejections but was determined not to give up but to remain resilient. This led her to improvise and Upcycle some of her footwear and clothing due to lack of sponsorship, but that action was a great one because her platform speech was about Upcycling. It turned out that everything just fell into place and harmonized very well. She enjoyed the photo-shoot challenges and learned a lot in the process, in terms of creating various face expressions and body positions. She became more knowledgeable on the act of Upcycling and its importance which have impacted her life immensely.

She now has a platform that focuses on reducing textile waste in the environment and transforming it into anything fashionable. Textile waste not limited to any other waste, when they are disposed into the environment, it’s not easily degradable, and this act can be very harmful to our environment. Therefore, it’s important that people know about the harmful effects of littering or dumping textile waste or any other waste in the environment. Moreover, that amazing outfits can result in the reusing of textiles.

Many changes have occurred in her life since her win. She started her new Upcycle project/business by the name, U.P cycle GND. It’s operated by herself and Ms. Precilla Noel which was her chaperone and one of her designers for the competition. Her project involves Upcycling various textiles, mainly shoes and transforming them into something fashionable. Herself and Precilla are always brainstorming for new ideas to create. Due to the pandemic COVID-19, she’s unable to obtain materials to work on but she and her partner finds way to improvised and get the work done.

When asked, what drives her? Usha explained, I am self-motivated. Just the thought of being successful, gives me this drive to hold on and not give up. I strive for excellence and success. On the other hand, there are a few motivational speakers that motivates me such as Bishop TD Jakes and Les Brown. They focus on success and methods to accomplish it. Also, what to do when you’re feeling to give up. My favorite quote also comes from TD Jakes which is “A setback is a setup for a comeback”. This keep me going.

Miss Tyra Banks is also a huge motivator to me in the aspect of modeling. She expresses that girls of all kind can be beautiful. “Once you plant seeds of success your tree will bear fierce fruits”, is one of her quotes that resonates with me. My parents and my project partner are also huge motivators in my life in regard to having a successful life and I am grateful for all of those beautiful people.

Surprisingly, Usha grew up having low self-esteem. She never fully believed in herself. She thought that she was never good enough and constantly compared herself to other girls, especially those who had lighter complexion. As a child she was bullied, harassed, and ostracized. They made fun of her. They joked and harassed her about her physical features especially her height resulting in her having low self esteem but as years went by and with her entering Grenada’s Next Top Model, and winning it, it gave her a sense of self-fulfillment and purpose.

Since then, she’s grown to love and accept herself. She had a huge self-transformation. Being on the runway buoys her up. She lives, eats and breath modeling. This is what she was born to do. This is her purpose in life. She described that she gets a rush, an indescribable burst of energy when she’s on the runway, there is nothing better for her to do.

Usha explained when asked what advice she would give to those that are struggling with low self-esteem and lacking self-confidence? To all those young persons out there that lacking self-confidence, low self-esteem and afraid to take the next step towards their goal, she’s wants to let them know that they are beautiful and special. They have a purpose in life. They just need to dig deep within to discover what it is.

Associate yourself with friends that will boost you up in a positive way. Associate with people that are positive, and goal driven. Listen to motivational speakers. They will lift your spirit especially when you’re down. Find something you love to do. I’ve found modeling as my self-fulfillment. Find something that will self-fulfill you. Never listen or pay attention to anyone’s negative attacks or feedback because most of the times they’re envious and jealous. They see something in you that’s great and they’re intimidated and afraid you will become something huge. So, they will try to put you down hoping that you’ll forsake this dream or potential.

Never give up on your dream or your goal. Keep on working on yourself. Do not compare yourself with anyone. You are beautiful just the way you are and always remember any setback you get in life, any disappointments, obstacles or rejections is a setup for a comeback. You will win. You will be successful. You are powerful and you are worthy. It is possible.

Usha is Grenada Top Fashion Model. This Daughter of the Soil is gifted, resilient and motivated. She has this energy and passion when she’s on the runway which can only be described as second to none. This is her destiny. Her peers consider her a Go Getter. Nothing can impede her from accomplishing her goals.

Usha has a crew in her corner like Samuel John her photographer, Lydia Smith and Precilla Noel her Upcycle designers and of course her partner who is always ready to cheer her on. She stated that COVID-19 has taught her a valuable lesson, we ought not to take life for granted. We must cherish our people, our family and friends because we never know when it will be our last day on earth.

Usha A Thomas: 1-473-535-8759

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I Am Grenada


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